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The Languages Department of Dambai College of Education is one of the six major Departments in the college. It is

Academic Performance of the Department
With the staff strength of six (6), the Department is able to undertake its core mandate of handling all languages courses as well as their related demands in the College. The Department Continues to improve on its academic performance semester by semester.

The results in both English Language and the Ghanaian Languages have improved so much so that just a handful of students suffered referrals. However, it is the desire of the Department to improve upon its performance to achieve 100% performance of students at the end of semester examinations.

Research Activities of the Department
Apart from supervising research work of final year students, the Department has not yet undertaken any corporate research work.
However, some individual staff members in the Department have taken the task to write books in order to enrich the knowledge of the students and the general public.

Community Service of the Department
Some members of the Department have also organized remedial classes for candidates who want to re-write the WASSCE exams. Seminars have also been organized for Junior High School Candidates in the Final year and In-service training for Basic School teachers in Krachi-East District and its environs.

Future Plans
The Department is still exploring the possibility of establishing language laboratory in the College to enhance the teaching and learning of the languages. The Department also intends to organize seminars for members on the modern ways of teaching languages. This is to be done at the beginning of every academic year in order to synchronize the various methods of teaching languages and also to help fresh tutors to cope will the Challenges of teaching in a College of Education.

Staffing Position
It is refreshing to note that most of the tutors in the Department have embarked on future studies to upgrade themselves to Second-degree status. It is believed that by the year 2021 every member of the Department would become a tutor.

made up of English Language unit and Ghanaian Languages unit, it Ewe, Twi, and Dagbani. The core mandate of the Department is to equip teacher–trainees will the requisite knowledge, skills and competencies in the content and methodology of teaching English and the Ghanaian Languages at the basic School level.

The Department is made up six (6) competent tutors; all male. Apart from tutoring which is the core mandate of the Department, it has offer responsibilities that it undertakes these include organizing and presiding over Debates and Quiz Competitions, planning and regulating the activities of creative Writers and Debaters Club in the College.